小室みつ子 / 映画とかドラマとか戯言など


 Something Good 何か良いこと

 最近、親しい人との交流さえ普通にできなくなっています。 毎日が家族と老猫の世話で終わる。SNSを覗く余裕もなく、1年以上ほったらかしでした…。

 なので、Facebook で、状況を少し書いて、「今の私は、疲れすぎていて、社交的になる自信がありません。SNS は今の私にとっては難しい道具…。でも、ちゃんと生きているし、なんとかやっています ( I am now very tired, I am not confident to be social... SNS seems like a kind of difficult tool to me. Sorry for my not being social.. but I am alive and doing okay.)


 それと、アメリカでしか買えない、私の趣味のものを、彼女に頼んで買ってもらって、たまに送ってもらっています。最近も彼女がそれを箱に詰めて送ってくれたばかり。彼女からのメールを読んで、思わず涙がこぼれました。思いやる心に満ちあふれていたからです。返信に、私の好きな曲、(子供の頃、初めて見たミュージカル映画、「サウンド・オブ・ミュージック」 の中の「Something Good」という曲の歌詞を、彼女への気持ちとして貼り付けて送りました。……そしたら、1行の返信が来ました。…とても素敵な返信でした……。




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Hi Mitsuko,
I saw something you had written on Facebook and I have been thinking about you. I hope you are feeling a little better. Sometimes I get very depressed over a lot of things but I know by now that it passes and things get better. You have too much weight on your shoulders and you need to concentrate on just breathing and getting through the day. Time will pass and you will be paid back for all the things you do. Just hang in there and do your best. You are lucky that you have music. I hope things get better for you soon.
If you haven’t gotten it yet you should receive your box from me soon. That usually cheers you up a little.

Best regards,

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MM..... my dear, you surprised me..

Your message is the sweetest thing I have ever had....even made me weep... ; ;
Yes, I will receive the box from you, that is what I think I am lucky.. :)
Thank you so much for sending the package for me......

I paste this lyrics to send my love to you... I love this song, and still sing it sometimes....

Perhaps I had a wicked childhood
Perhaps I had a miserable youth
But somewhere in my wicked, miserable past
There must have been a moment of truth

For here you are, standing there, loving me
Whether or not you should
So somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good

Nothing comes from nothing
Nothing ever could
So somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good
So somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good


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I think you are doing something good now!

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